Suspending an outdoor hammock with tree straps prevents damage to the bark of the tree and the underlying growth layer, known as the cambium. Most bushcrafters or wild campers already try to use tree-friendly hammock ropes. After all,
without trees, you can’t go hammock camping!
So when hammock camping, you should try to use tree-friendly suspension systems wherever possible. Rope systems like our T-STRAP, TREE HUGGER or ADVENTURE ROPE sets, for example, have a breadth of at least 2.5 cm, so when used to hang a hammock they do not cut into the bark of the tree.
Hammock suspension systems WITH a tree strap:
Most AMAZONAS ultralight suspension systems already come with an integrated tree guard. Discover here the advantages of the various hammock rope systems.
Hammock suspension systems WITHOUT a tree strap:
Simple ropes, paracord and the like are not suitable for hanging hammocks from trees because they can damage the bark. The only suspension system from our range that is not equipped with tree protectors as standard is our MICROROPE. Why? Because some customers just want to hang their hammocks on balcony railings, or make their own tree protectors from tension belts, car safety belts or similar. If you don't feel like doing your own DIY, you can order our TREEHUGGER directly and so can continue to use our MICROROPES on trees with a clear conscience.